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Hanging Cheek

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Being a Snaffle this bit will act upon the horse’s lips, bars and tongue with a direct line of action from the hand through the reins to the bit as a contact is taken up. Generally, the horse will react to this with an upward action of his/her head and neck. The exact contact across the mouth with vary depending upon the horse’s level of training, fitness and the skill of his rider as these all effect the position in which he/she holds his head and neck. There is no curb, lever or other action.

The Hanging Cheeks design enables the bits mouthpiece to be suspended in the mouth rather than resting upon the tongue. Rather like the top only section of a Pelham with no curb chain. 

It is available in a range of mouthpiece designs both jointed and solid. It is also known as a Baucher Snaffle after the French riding master Francois Baucher of the mid 1800’s.
Hanging cheek bit with flat lozenge

Please note, that we define the cheek of the Hanging Cheek from the top to the bottom, as shown in the image. Standard cheeks are 4” long.

Our mouth width is the measurement of the mouth between the ring pieces and not the full length of the mouthpiece.

Remember not to have too tight of a fit. You should always leave a little room on each side for comfort.
Abbey Hanging Cheek Dr Bristol

To view our full list of bits, please register for an account or login. If you wish to purchase a Bit through one of our dedicated retailers, please click here. If you would like to access our Bit prices and are an authorised retailer, please click here, or if you would like to become a retailer, click here.

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Hanging Cheek

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Being a Snaffle this bit will act upon the horse’s lips, bars and tongue with a direct line of action from the hand through the reins to the bit as a contact is taken up. Generally, the horse will react to this with an upward action of his/her head and neck. The exact contact across the mouth with vary depending upon the horse’s level of training, fitness and the skill of his rider as these all effect the position in which he/she holds his head and neck. There is no curb, lever or other action.

The Hanging Cheeks design enables the bits mouthpiece to be suspended in the mouth rather than resting upon the tongue. Rather like the top only section of a Pelham with no curb chain. 

It is available in a range of mouthpiece designs both jointed and solid. It is also known as a Baucher Snaffle after the French riding master Francois Baucher of the mid 1800’s.
Hanging cheek bit with flat lozenge

Please note, that we define the cheek of the Hanging Cheek from the top to the bottom, as shown in the image. Standard cheeks are 4” long.

Our mouth width is the measurement of the mouth between the ring pieces and not the full length of the mouthpiece.

Remember not to have too tight of a fit. You should always leave a little room on each side for comfort.
Abbey Hanging Cheek Dr Bristol